Three Demons with one Strike



Kill Astral Beater, Demon Bloodsucker and Bloody Malefic somewhere on the Twilight Isle. Report your success back to Draconids using Astralophone in the Overlord's Stronghold.


Surface of the Astralophone is shining brightly. You hear the voice of your Draconid Friend:

You are great warrior. Me knows! Me ask you. Demons kill.

One demon is small. But quick. It run and bite.

Another demon strong. Very-very strong! With big axe.

Third is sly. Third is shaman. Ouch!

Me ask you. Find three demons and kill. Find everywhere and kill. You are friend! You are strong! You help me.


Your Draconid Friend is waiting for your triumph. Don't let him down!


Draconid's voice is coming from the Astralophone full of joy:

You great warrior! You kill demons. You kill all three! Me so happy! We so happy! Chief also happy! Fire Father happy!

Now Chief speaks. Listen to Chief. Chief clever! Chief also your friend.


Experience: +14000

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