Secondary Excavations



Use Heater to find 10 pieces of Crystal Quartz in the abandoned mountainfolk settlement on the Tautlan Cliff. Bring them to Eadweard Goodwin in the expedition camp.
  • (Can be obtained using the Heater in the Mountainfolk village.)


Our brilliant Laureen has discovered a new allod! Do you know what it means? It means that I have discovered new ways to make money! Of course, you, as my best assistant, will get a good share.
Look, there was a small tribe of mountainfolk that were driven away from their settlement by spiders. I bet they must have left something valuable behind!
I know they are extremely good at extracting Crystal Quartz, which is highly priced among city jewelers. It has been long since the spiders attacked, so the precious crystals are probably buried beneath snow and ice. I will give you this magical artifact, called the Heater - it will melt everything around. The crystals shine so bright that you won't miss them!
And watch out for the spiders! Only Light knows how many of them are dwelling there...


And I thought there was nothing to do in this kingdom!


Just look at it. Mother nature always produces the best stuff!



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