Ardent Hunt



Defeat Firocious at Medial Plateau and report to Brang the Merciless.


We heard, a new allod was discovered recently. You think it's cool? Well, it's freaking not! The more allods there are, the more duty staff they need. We breed fast, bot not that fast, huh. We don't even have any spare time. What if we want to hunt?
There's that giant dumb lizard prowling at Medial Plateau. It's called Firocious. One won't take it down single-handedly, and if I take my bros with me, we can easily handle it. But we just don't have time!
Maybe you can deal with it? I just can't watch it roam around unfettered anymore!


Is the lizard still alive? That has to be fixed. Go, do it!


I can see that was a hell of a fight. C'mon, tell me, how many horns have you got?



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