Investigation: Living Dead



Find Eric de Vevre around Gipatia and make sure he is alive.


Hear me out before you point fingers. The three of us were on our way to Gipatia with my assistant falling behind. That impatient Seaside went off the trail to fetch my assistant.

Then I heard shouting, steel clattering ahead of us. When we got to the scene, Seaside was already dead. Semyon was standing above him with blood-soaked hands. Where's the truce in that?! Well, we showed him. Maxim and I beat and fried his body to a crisp. He deserved it though. Kanian scum!

Wait, that's not the end of it. Before we could get far, that family of pipsqueaks poured out from the bushes and fired a volley of arrows! What did you think I was going to do? Just stand there and eat steel?

What? Eric de Vevre dead? Yeah, Seaside beat him even before this confusion started. That silly Elf picked the wrong Orc to gawk at. Relax, Eric resurrected awhile ago.

The rest of the Brave Family will also return from Purgatory soon, or did they not have any drops of myrrh left? Well, let that Erl weep for now. Don't you believe me? Eric seems to be around the village already. Find him and see for yourself.


Listen, do you have any extra drops of mirra? I'm short of it. Yeah, yeah, that was my corpse back near the ruins. I just returned from Purgatory as you can see.

What? No, no grudge against anyone. I shouldn't of picked a quarrel with that Orc. I'm still getting used to Gipat and the truce between both factions.


Experience: +1250

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