Defying the Path!



Lure the Phantom Ogre to Roughneck clan hunters and take it down together.


What insolence!
You'll never catch me alive hiding from these ogres like some pitiful Gibberling! I am from the Roughneck Clan! I look death straight in the face and cleave everything in my way!
I have a plan. I call it "We'll cut our own path!" Ha!
Let's forget about this Chosen Path and just kill everything in Gipat! Every single living being! My clan all agree with me! This is the way for real hunters! Genocide will be our Revelation!
Lure one ogre to my brothers and dominate it together! Don't hold back! It's time for a slaughterfest!


Our Roughneck Orc kind dare not "slither" past any challenge. We stop at nothing... Kill everything. Genocide on Gipat!


Good work! You're not as bad a hunter as I thought you would be! There's still two ogres but leave them to me. I'm hungry for more!


Experience: +1000

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