Checking the Totems



Take readings from the 3 Ancient Totems and report to Sino the Merciless.


Alright, let's get to work. Surrounding this training camp are three totems that emit magical vibrations. If any of the Orcs that pass through here possess magical abilities, the totems will recognize this and store the memory of them. They just need to be checked periodically so their readings can be taken.

It's good that you're here so you can help me gather the latest batch of information. Just go up to each and inspect them carefully. Unless the spirits are feeling particularly mischievous, they should tell you the information you need to know.


So, how did things go? Did you get the readings?


This is fantastic! One of the totems recorded magical powers. Do you understand what that means? One of the Orcs that passed through here could be a Great Mage! I need to go through my records and find out who it is. Here, take some of these supplies. They should come in handy!


Experience: +880
  • +250 reputation points with Orcs

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