The Path to Freedom



Escort Voxar the Fierce back to Termitka Prison.


Alright, let's stop wagging our tongues and get out of here! That cage was starting to get pretty filthy. Once we make it to the top of that hill we should be pretty safe. There's a ton of Yasker Hawks guarding it, watching the fugitives night and day.

Once we get there, don't forget to pass on the information that I fought like a tiger when they jumped me! And that I single handedly took out most of these weaklings on the way back.

I suppose I'll drop by and see Wrokag when I can. As an Orc it's my duty to obey his orders, but I don't like those shamans... I'm a real Orc! A true warrior, not some skirt-wearing coward!


Yes? Do you have more news to report?


Excellent work soldier! That saves us a lot of time and effort. Now that the hostage is out of the way, we can launch our offensive soon. I'll make sure the right authorities learn of your help!


Experience: +920

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