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Using the ferrotype camera, take photos of the Heart of Power, the geyser, and the broken cube on the Cradle. Then return to Barbara of Siveria.
  • Take a photo of the Heart of Death
  • Take a photo of the geyser
  • Take a photo of the broken cube


Now we've got almost all the basic principles of allod creation. Now we must wait until construction is complete so we can see the results. Once we see the results for ourselves, I want to share what we see with others, so that they know that allod creation is not something we've made up. For that we're going to need to use your trusty ferrotype camera.

Wait until the Cradle is complete, then take your ferrotype camera there and take photos of the most notable parts of the island. With these photos, plus the data we collected from the cultists, and the orders issued by the Master himself, our researchers will be able to develop a complete understanding of the construction!


Just don't let the Master's disciples catch you carrying your ferrotype camera. They're not going to believe you if you tell them you're just there for the scenery...


Let's see. Some sort of cube... A geyser... But what's this dome?

Ah well, it's not for me to figure out. I'll pass your photos along to the researchers. Let them figure it all out.


Experience: +4425

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