Sign of Superiority



Collect 10 Demonic Substances from Rampant Spiteful Predators and Rampant Twisted Predators and bring them to Eniel de Ardeur.


Archdemon is the major obstacle to the Secret Cave where the Heart of the Dragon is located. The Heart attracts demons as much as the meteorite ore. Both these substances can resist the Astral, so they want to destroy them.

Killing the Archdemon is extremely difficult. But Marianne has been fighting with them for a hundred years, so she invented something. Have you heard of a combat advantage?

Warriors gain it in a fight to use against their enemies. If you accumulated a lot of advantage, you can do something unprecedented.

You will accumulate your advantages fighting the beasts similar to the Archdemon. They are dangerous too, so you'd better bring your friends.

These demons can be found in the northern Kirah. Killing one of them will grant you a Demonic Substance. Bring me 10 Substances, and I'll transform them into the Sign of Superiority, you will require it to kill the Archdemon.


Seven days for you, but one long and painful day for me...


Fine. Now I can create a Sign of Superiority...

Here it is.


Experience: +6480

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