Potential Criminals



Find Solka the Unyielding near the Cimmerian Ziggurat.


My job has taught me to keep my eyes open and notice everything that goes on around me. With work like ours, we cannot afford to take risks! An overlooked clue could mean failure or worse, death.

A short time ago I noticed a couple of Orcish hunters heading in the direction of the Cimmerian Ziggurat. Hunting is a noble sport, and I have nothing against it. But for goodness sake, what's there to hunt over there? Gargoyles? It all seemed very suspicious.

In short, I'm asking you to go there and find those hunters. I just received information back from the capital, and after some digging they discovered that one of them is named Solka the Unyielding. Find her and ask her what she's doing there with her friend.


Hey you, traveler! Mind helping out a fellow Imperial citizen?


Experience: +280

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