The Stranded Archeologist



Bring the Archeologist's Papers and the Archeologist's Backpack to Sarbaz Hsekiu.


Dry sands. A hot sun. Stupid birds. That's all there is in this cursed place! Damnit all! Hm, pardon me for being so emotional. It's just that I'm stuck here and it's quite irritating.

You see, I came here with an expedition to survey the dig site at Baladur Port. On the way there, I got a little distracted when I was studying some ruins. When I looked up, everyone else in the expedition was gone! I was left behind!

Then things just got even worse. A whole bunch of vultures attacked me and I had to flee for my life. Along the way I dropped my backpack and I have no idea where it is. All of my stuff's in it - my diplomas, documents, recommendations! It even has my identification papers!

As I was running away I saw one of those horrible birds fly overhead with pieces of yellow paper in his beak. Those must have been my papers... Without them, people won't believe me when I tell them I'm a scientist - something about being too fussy. In any case, I can't go anywhere until I find my stuff. I'm stuck!


Damn the day I agreed to join this expedition! When I think of my cozy crypt back home - dry, gloomy, a mouse squeaking in the corner... Oh, I miss it so!


My bag! My papers! Thank you so much! I can now go on my way again. Oh, I do want to head home, but I know that the greatest historical discoveries are made in the field. I guess it's off to the port for me.


Experience: +1040

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