Accident at the Mine



Talk to Karina Merinova at the Meteorite Mine.


The first task I have for you is pretty urgent. There's a small mine to the east of here, and it's been supplying meteorite ore for many centuries. By now its resources are pretty much exhausted, but in the Empire every crumb of this metal is worth its weight in gold. That's why the mine hasn't been closed yet.

And even though the Dead Sea is a troubled region, the mine is well guarded and works efficiently. It worked, that is... until recently.

Now I'm hearing gossip from there that I'm even scared to tell you about it. There's no point spooking you before we find out what really happened. Let's just hope the news is wrong.

Head on over there and talk with Karina Merinova, the overseer of this mine. Find out the truth and see if they need your help to correct any problems.


It's crazy here. The miners have gone nuts and many guards have been killed! Any extra pairs of hands are more valuable than gold!


Experience: +1080

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