Posting the Bait



Post 6 notices around Pridonsk and return to Jukat the Nomadic.


There's no doubt about it, the Freeborn are to blame. They're a group of all sorts of rabble - goblins, satyrs, tons of mischievous creatures! They have to be working with the mafia, and they should have been put in their place a long time ago!

Unfortunately we were ordered not to interfere with any matters that aren't proven to be part of the salt trafficking. Even then, we must keep our true identities a secret. In other words, we don't exist and we must let the Freeborn believe they are the bosses of the seabed.

I guess the Council knows what's best, but I think I can figure out a way to bend the rules a little. Let's do it like this.

Take these notices from Lieutenant Bodrin. Listen to what they say. "The Imperial is looking for anyone who has information, rumors, or even thoughts about who, when, how, or for what reason construction is going on to the east of the Mana Station. They will be well rewarded for their help."

Post them up around the Freeborn headquarters at Pridonsk. If any of them take the bait and report to Bodrin with information, we'll know straight away that they've been hanging around the salt flats to the south. That will prove their guilt!


I know this idea will work wonderfully!
I just hope those mongrels can read.


Guess what? Rodion has reported the first trickle of information. Some waterfolk woman is convinced that her husband does damage to the equipment near Sector 05 in the night. Except she believes that he takes the neighbor's wife there, too... Aren't these people weak in the head?


Experience: +3920

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