Pack of Punches

Pack of Punches
Rank: 1
Aspect of Assault
When you enter combat, you gain 1 stack(s) of Pack of Punches for 10 seconds.
The Warrior's thrusts apply the Pack of Punches effect for 10 seconds (stacks up to 1 times). While this effect is active, their subsequent blows deal XX% more damage for each level of the effect.
Consumes 1 level of the effect.
Pack of Punches
Rank: 2
Aspect of Assault
When you enter combat, you gain 2 stack(s) of Pack of Punches for 10 seconds.
The Warrior's thrusts apply the Pack of Punches effect for 10 seconds (stacks up to 2 times). While this effect is active, their subsequent blows deal XX% more damage for each level of the effect.
Consumes 1 level of the effect.
Pack of Punches
Rank: 3
Aspect of Assault
When you enter combat, you gain 3 stack(s) of Pack of Punches for 10 seconds.
The Warrior's thrusts apply the Pack of Punches effect for 10 seconds (stacks up to 3 times). While this effect is active, their subsequent blows deal XX% more damage for each level of the effect.
Consumes 1 level of the effect.
Pack of Punches
Rank: 4
Aspect of Assault
When you enter combat, you gain 4 stack(s) of Pack of Punches for 10 seconds.
The Warrior's thrusts apply the Pack of Punches effect for 10 seconds (stacks up to 4 times). While this effect is active, their subsequent blows deal XX% more damage for each level of the effect.
Consumes 1 level of the effect.

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