First Blood

First Blood
Rank: 1
Aspect of Assault
When entering combat, the Paladin gains 5 levels of the Blazing Blade effect (stacks up to 20 times).
If the Paladin does not use melee abilities for 4 seconds in combat, they will start gaining 1 stack(s) of this effect every 0.001 seconds after that.
Blazing Blade increases damage dealt by Incineration by XX% per stack of the effect. All stacks of the effect will be removed.
First Blood
Rank: 2
Aspect of Assault
When entering combat, the Paladin gains 10 levels of the Blazing Blade effect (stacks up to 20 times).
If the Paladin does not use melee abilities for 2 seconds in combat, they will start gaining 2 stack(s) of this effect every 0.001 seconds after that.
Blazing Blade increases damage dealt by Incineration by XX% per stack of the effect. All stacks of the effect will be removed.

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