
Rank: 1
When spending Canons, the Paladin is healed for XX.
Using Martyr's Shield grants the Martyr effect to the party or raid member with the lowest health level within 40 yards. The effect increases incoming healing by YY% for 3 seconds. It does not work on the Paladin themselves.
Requires a shield.
Rank: 2
When spending Canons, the Paladin is healed for XX.
Using Martyr's Shield grants the Martyr effect to the party or raid member with the lowest health level within 40 yards. The effect increases incoming healing by YY% for 4.5 seconds. It does not work on the Paladin themselves.
Requires a shield.
Rank: 3
When spending Canons, the Paladin is healed for XX.
Using Martyr's Shield grants the Martyr effect to the party or raid member with the lowest health level within 40 yards. The effect increases incoming healing by YY% for 6 seconds. It does not work on the Paladin themselves.
Requires a shield.

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