Sense of Righteousness

Sense of Righteousness
Rank: 1
Aspect of Assault
Using Seal of Righteousness and Seal of Inerrability applies Weakness to the target for 3 seconds, but no more than once every 20 seconds.
Aspect of Defense
Using Rage of Light applies Weakness to all enemies within range for 2 seconds.
Weakness reduces damage dealt by the target by 35%.
Sense of Righteousness
Rank: 2
Aspect of Assault
Using Seal of Righteousness and Seal of Inerrability applies Weakness to the target for 6 seconds, but no more than once every 20 seconds.
Aspect of Defense
Using Rage of Light applies Weakness to all enemies within range for 4 seconds.
Weakness reduces damage dealt by the target by 35%.

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