
Rank: 1
Aspect of Defense
Using Seal of Righteousness, Seal of Inerrability, and Strike of Justice on an enemy affected by Conviction applies Shield of Light to the Paladin. The effect absorbs XX damage.
Conviction lasts 10% longer.
Rank: 2
Aspect of Defense
Using Seal of Righteousness, Seal of Inerrability, and Strike of Justice on an enemy affected by Conviction applies Shield of Light to the Paladin. The effect absorbs XX damage.
Conviction lasts 20% longer.
Rank: 3
Aspect of Defense
Using Seal of Righteousness, Seal of Inerrability, and Strike of Justice on an enemy affected by Conviction applies Shield of Light to the Paladin. The effect absorbs XX damage.
Conviction lasts 30% longer.

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