Pestilence Herald

Pestilence Herald
Rank: 1
Casting Volatile Infection and Ritual of Plague in combat applies several levels of the Pestilence Herald effect to the Cadaver.
Volatile Infection applies 1 levels, and Ritual of Plague applies 3 levels of the effect.
Under the effect of Pestilence Herald, Cadaver deals an extra XX damage with its attacks to all affected enemies while absorbing one level of the effect.
Pestilence Herald
Rank: 2
Casting Volatile Infection and Ritual of Plague in combat applies several levels of the Pestilence Herald effect to the Cadaver.
Volatile Infection applies 2 levels, and Ritual of Plague applies 6 levels of the effect.
Under the effect of Pestilence Herald, Cadaver deals an extra XX damage with its attacks to all affected enemies while absorbing one level of the effect.
Pestilence Herald
Rank: 3
Casting Volatile Infection and Ritual of Plague in combat applies several levels of the Pestilence Herald effect to the Cadaver.
Volatile Infection applies 3 levels, and Ritual of Plague applies 9 levels of the effect.
Under the effect of Pestilence Herald, Cadaver deals an extra XX damage with its attacks to all affected enemies while absorbing one level of the effect.

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