
Rank: 1
Aspect of Assault
The Psionicist's attacks apply Pyrolysis to the target for 8 seconds.
The next Scorching will additionally inflict XX damage for each level of the Pyrolysis effect. All stacks of the effect will be removed.
The effect stacks up to 1 times on one target.
Rank: 2
Aspect of Assault
The Psionicist's attacks apply Pyrolysis to the target for 8 seconds.
The next Scorching will additionally inflict XX damage for each level of the Pyrolysis effect. All stacks of the effect will be removed.
The effect stacks up to 2 times on one target.
Rank: 3
Aspect of Assault
The Psionicist's attacks apply Pyrolysis to the target for 8 seconds.
The next Scorching will additionally inflict XX damage for each level of the Pyrolysis effect. All stacks of the effect will be removed.
The effect stacks up to 3 times on one target.

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