Free Musician

Free Musician
Rank: 1
All your damage dealt increases by 5%.
While playing Etudes, you can move at the speed, equal to 20% of your default speed. Aspect of Assault
The Bard gains the ability to play Crescendo while moving.
While playing Etudes, you can move at the speed equal to 65% of your regular speed.
Free Musician
Rank: 2
All your damage dealt increases by 10%.
While playing Etudes, you can move at the speed, equal to 42% of your default speed. Aspect of Assault
The Bard gains the ability to play Crescendo while moving.
While playing Etudes, you can move at the speed equal to 100% of your regular speed.
Free Musician
Rank: 3
All your damage dealt increases by 15%.
While playing Etudes, you can move at the speed, equal to 65% of your default speed. Aspect of Assault
The Bard gains the ability to play Crescendo while moving.
While playing Etudes, you can move at the speed equal to 130% of your regular speed.

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