Thrill of Chaos

Thrill of Chaos
Rank: 1
Aspect of Defense
Damage dealt is increased by 9%.
When dealing damage with Torturer's Blades, the Demonologist recovers % of their maximum health. Healing is boosted by the Demonologist's Survivability. This amount is increased by NN% for every 100 points of the Demonologist's Supremacy stat.
Thrill of Chaos
Rank: 2
Aspect of Defense
Damage dealt is increased by 18%.
When dealing damage with Torturer's Blades, the Demonologist recovers % of their maximum health. Healing is boosted by the Demonologist's Survivability. This amount is increased by NN% for every 100 points of the Demonologist's Supremacy stat.
Thrill of Chaos
Rank: 3
Aspect of Defense
Damage dealt is increased by 27%.
When dealing damage with Torturer's Blades, the Demonologist recovers % of their maximum health. Healing is boosted by the Demonologist's Survivability. This amount is increased by NN% for every 100 points of the Demonologist's Supremacy stat.

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