Radiant Strongbox of the Carnifex


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Radiant Strongbox of the Carnifex
Open this strongbox to receive a special prize!
In this strongbox, you may find various parts of Carnifex's Code which will make your victories especially spectacular, granting you additional short-term useful effects whenever you kill an enemy.
Combine fragments from this strongbox to receive more valuable prizes:
Page of the Carnifex's Code;
Chapter of the Carnifex's Code;
Part of the Carnifex's Code;
Carnifex's Code which grants you the Fatality ability that executes your enemies in an especially cruel and spectacular way;
Voice of the Carnifex which allows you to gain the unique Voice of the Carnifex ability that allows you to create a short message for your prey;
Carnifex's Curse which grants you the Carnifex's Rage ability that strengthens you when you kill an enemy;
Cursed Crow's Wings which amplify the effects of the Fatality ability;
Doctrine of the Carnifex which grants you the Carnifex's Aegis ability that temporarily strengthens you when you defeat an enemy;
Confession of the Carnifex which grants you the corresponding ability that temporarily strengthens you when you defeat an enemy and casts a flaming halo above your head;
Speech of the Carnifex which boosts the Fatality effect.
You may find all scrolls in one Radiant Strongbox of the Carnifex, except the Doctrine, Confession, and various Speeches of the Carnifex.
Can be used by characters of any level.
Hurry, this is a limited-time offer!
Consumed after use.
Goods from the Boutique.
Disappears in: 90d.
Amount: 1/1000
Radiant Strongbox of the Carnifex
Open this strongbox to receive a special prize!
In this strongbox, you may find various parts of Carnifex's Code which will make your victories especially spectacular, granting you additional short-term useful effects whenever you kill an enemy.
Combine fragments from this strongbox to receive more valuable prizes:
Page of the Carnifex's Code;
Chapter of the Carnifex's Code;
Part of the Carnifex's Code;
Carnifex's Code which grants you the Fatality ability that executes your enemies in an especially cruel and spectacular way;
Voice of the Carnifex which allows you to gain the unique Voice of the Carnifex ability that allows you to create a short message for your prey;
Carnifex's Curse which grants you the Carnifex's Rage ability that strengthens you when you kill an enemy;
Cursed Crow's Wings which amplify the effects of the Fatality ability;
Doctrine of the Carnifex which grants you the Carnifex's Aegis ability that temporarily strengthens you when you defeat an enemy;
Confession of the Carnifex which grants you the corresponding ability that temporarily strengthens you when you defeat an enemy and casts a flaming halo above your head;
Speech of the Carnifex which boosts the Fatality effect.
You may find all scrolls in one Radiant Strongbox of the Carnifex, except the Doctrine, Confession, and various Speeches of the Carnifex.
Can be used by characters of any level.
Hurry, this is a limited-time offer!
Consumed after use.
Goods from the Boutique.
Disappears in: 90d.
Amount: 1/1000

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