Marianna Lopatina's Log, June 17, 1018


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Marianna Lopatina's Log, June 17, 1018
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Marianna Lopatina's Log.
June 17, 1018
Lucky me! Found a couple of tablets. On to translating them now. It's curious. These records belong to the Junes that lived here when their civilization fell. I don't quite understand the text, but I know the words about the darkness and death. It looks like a battle... and a giant golem seems to be involved. Then it mentions the Curse. Has the author lost their family and run? The note stops abruptly.
I asked around about the other tablets. Apparently, some pilgrim was collecting them. Ugh, another saint! He went on and on about how he wanted to visit the place where the greatest miracle had happened, the first resurrection!
I've got to visit this place.

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