Centaur the Traveler's second note


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Centaur the Traveler's second note
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I was too arrogant to ignore my aches... I hit my head on a branch and twisted two ankles! Thank the spirits it happened near the camp. The locals helped me and gave me food and water. They also told me a lot of stories. It almost feels like home.
I didn't leave home just to settle down somewhere else, even in a nice place like this. I looked at the sky and felt that my heart was full. The open road is calling my name again. Where should I head? I remembered the story of Kyros and Aellona. Kyros, the poor fellow, defeated our chief and earned the tribe's respect... After Aellona died, he went mad and messed up everything. Such a sad story, but also beautiful. I could write a song about it.
I decided to visit Aellona's grave. I'll leave in the morning.

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