Centaur the Traveler's fourth note


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Centaur the Traveler's fourth note
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I didn't expect Polis to be such an amazing place. Aoidos managed to build so many things here. What a gifted nation! Just like us.
I came across a weird vagabond who was looking for something, mumbling nonsense. I tried to run away, but he just wouldn't leave me alone! One thing led to another, and here we are, relaxing after exploring this city's every nook and cranny. To understand how much fun we had, just imagine how hard it is for a CENTAUR to climb onto a roof. I'm not sure I can repeat that!
My friend loves secrecy and conspiracies! Poor fellow, he just can't see past these mysteries. I should remember to leave him a note about my future plans. It should make him happy.

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