Centaur the Traveler's seventh note


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Centaur the Traveler's seventh note
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I think I know what Aoidos meant by "energies". We'd say this place was "blessed by the spirits". They might have over-blessed it a bit. Everything here seems ordinary and miraculous at the same time.
The most interesting places are never talked about. You only get to know them by chance: overhear a conversation or spot a turn in the road... I'm getting more and more confident that I made the right decision. You can't just sit around peacefully when there's a big world outside with so much to see!
I hope some other strange adventurer who finds my notes and follows my tracks will never regret their decision!
I discovered that I left my favorite toy behind. It's not that important, but it holds so many good memories. I'll drop by our camp tonight. Just need to make sure not to run into my sister or friends.

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