Centaur the Traveler's ninth note


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Centaur the Traveler's ninth note
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All right, the swords here aren't always clashing. I didn't see a single battle while I was here. I guess I was incredibly lucky.
Boy, did we get drunk! I couldn't imagine so many people can ride my back all at once! An idea of giving people rides never occurred to me in the first place.
I received a mug with my name on it - somebody carved it with a knife. I was called "a great man and an average horse". They also invited me to stop by whenever I'm around. I will stop by on my way back, perhaps.
They say alcohol won't solve your problems. It sure won't, but a good party can chase away the gloom. It's important to maintain the balance... It's very important.
I'm going to the Dionic Archipelago. I've heard a lot of wonderful things about it. I'll see you on the docks, my imaginable follower.

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