Centaur the Traveler's tenth note


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Centaur the Traveler's tenth note
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The docks don't seem extraordinary after you've seen Polis. Just barrels and crates... The flight was something to remember, though. I've never... flown? or sailed? Never traveled much. Anyway, a sensation's worth a thousand words.
I found a way to entertain myself, though. I assumed an air of importance and started walking around, opening boxes and barrels, examining their contents. People regarded me with suspicion, but no one dared to approach me. I looked very confident and somewhat menacing. I took nothing, though. I was just curious. Only one thing looked intereting: a sphere made of a semi-transparent gemstone, with fine dust whirling and glowing inside...
It's getting dark. The dockers told me there was a village not too far away. I'll spend the night and hit the road in the morning.

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