Centaur the Traveler's eighteenth note


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Centaur the Traveler's eighteenth note
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Oh spirits, I don't know what to say! Some places and events just change your very essence over an instant! The Observatory took my breath away.
I learned a lot. They told me about other worlds, about Architects and time travel, about the endless astral. News like this take time to digest.
It will take even longer to see it all!
Whoever is reading this note, I'll say goodbye. I don't know where I'm going, but it's somewhere far away. I'm looking for... I don't know what, but I must find it.
Go your own way. I'm sure it will be legendary. If you want it, of course.
I left a gift for my reader. Find the small crate. It contains the most needful thing.
Take it with you. In a way, I'm grateful. It was a journey that we took together.
Good luck, whoever you are.

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