Dried Mandrake Root


  • Max stack size: 1000
Dried Mandrake Root
This item binds when picked up
Mandrake root is a magical alchemical reagent that can be used instead of most ingredients when making a potion. However, it cannot be used instead of Iridescence, Chromatite, Astral ingredients and components sold by Alchemy trainers.
Goods from the Boutique.
Disappears in: 30d.
Amount: 1/1000
Dried Mandrake Root
This item binds when picked up
Mandrake root is a magical alchemical reagent that can be used instead of most ingredients when making a potion. However, it cannot be used instead of Iridescence, Chromatite, Astral ingredients and components sold by Alchemy trainers.
Goods from the Boutique.
Disappears in: 30d.
Amount: 1/1000

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