Adaptive Ambrosia Cannon Replica


  • Max stack size: 100
Adaptive Ambrosia Cannon Replica
This item binds when picked up
Required level: 6

Durability: YY
Weight: XX

Damage: , ,
Recharge: seconds.
Consumed energy: , ,

Damage types:
Fire: 100% damage to Demons and all ship devices
Astral: 35% damage to hull, 180% damage to shields, 100% damage to devices
Acid: 50% damage to shields, 150% damage to hull, 100% damage to devices
Lightning: 0% damage to hull, 125% damage to shields, 200% damage to devices, 100% damage to Demons. Weakens Demons
Fire Explosion: 100% damage to all enemies within a 120 yard radius around the target

Amount: 1/100

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