Sealed Dragon Insignia


  • Max stack size: 100
Sealed Dragon Insignia
Contains a Dragon Insignia.
Allows you to increase the level of your dragon equipment by 1, which will boost its stats.
The item's level can be increased by 10 levels max.
Can only be applied to dragon equipment of level 200 to 430 without a curse.
Consumed after use.
Once used, the item will be bound to you.
Goods from the Boutique.
Amount: 1/100
Sealed Dragon Insignia
Contains a Dragon Insignia.
Allows you to increase the level of your dragon equipment by 1, which will boost its stats.
The item's level can be increased by 10 levels max.
Can only be applied to dragon equipment of level 200 to 430 without a curse.
Consumed after use.
Once used, the item will be bound to you.
Goods from the Boutique.
Amount: 1/100

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