Basics of Alchemy: Step Two



Purchase a Sickle and Ether from Maas-Shakar, obtain 5 Potent Chamomiles and brew 5 Weak Potions of Healing. Report to Maas-Shakar in the Residence.


Gathering herbs is an imporrtant part of Alchemist's life. Sometimes your quest leads you farther than any experienced hunter has ever been! You crrawl up and down the hills until your fur is grreen on your knees - all for the sake of a couple of prrecious flowers. You need to learn that lesson, eysh!
Take that Sickle and find 5 Potent Chamomiles. Mix them with Ether to prrepare Weak Potions of Healing. You can buy Ether from me.
Come back as soon as you finish.


Don't mix it up! You need chamomiles and not some meadow weed!


The color looks right... Come on, let me taste it.
Huh! Not bad. I don't even feel the pain in my knees anymore. Congrratulations, alchemist! Your potion is superb, eysh!


Experience: +160

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