Collecting Astral Dust



Collect 12 clumps of Astral Dust and take them to Simar the Forester.


Experiments? I'd like to not think of them as experiments, more like intensive research on ideas that go far beyond human comprehension.

Well, you didn't take the trip all the way from Nezebgrad to sit around and hear me talk, so let's get started.

We'll need the basics first - so you'll have to go find Astral dust for us. Storm Elementals are prime sources of the dust and, luckily for you, they're in abundance near the AD Division.

Collect twelve clumps of Astral dust and bring them to Simar the Forester. What? Do you think it's a coincidence that there were also twelve Great Mages that prevented the Great Cataclysm from tearing through the rest of Sarnaut?


It'd be such a waste if a gust of wind blew once the Astral dust appeared.


Back so soon?


Experience: +750

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