The Day of Wrath



Defend the Outpost from attack.
  • Learn the defense plan from Zayan
  • Deflect the attack of Hiero’s Templars 5/5
  • Deflect the attack of Nihaz’s Demons 5/5
  • Talk to Dakkar
    (Discuss the battle inside and outside the Outpost with Dakkar.)
  • Talk to Hiero
    (Find out what led Hiero to the Outpost.)
  • Talk to Svetlana Valir
    (It seems it was Svetlana who led the paladins to the Outpost. We need to find out what motivated her.)
  • Repel the attack at the main gates
    (Enemies are attacking the main entrance! Help the guards!)
  • Repel the attack at the side gates
    (Enemies are attacking the western entrance! Help the guards!)
  • Repel the attack by the lake
    (Enemies are attacking from the lake! Help the guards!)


Did you get Canaan's blood? That’s great news. Maybe we can change Hiero’s mind...


{username}, are you saying Svetlana told Hiero about Annette? And she stood behind the nobles?
Well, that is sad... and alas, predictable.
I’m afraid she won’t be able to forgive so easy. What happened to her left an indelible mark on her. I only hope that with time I can convince her... But for now, she should return to the children.


Experience: +141075

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