Music of Wine



Drink ambrosia and play the harp for Dionysius.


So you want to learn to play music? Maybe you do have talent. There is a way to see it. Let me introduce myself. I’m Dionysius, the Dominus of Music. However, I do other things besides playing music, and... Hic! Oh, excuse me.
Making strings sing is easy, and I guess every second Aoidos can do it. But playing melodies that tear out hearts and heal souls is quite a different matter.
What I mean is - the true musician can create music even when drunk on ambrosia. I myself came up with a few of my enduring masterpieces while pleasantly inebriated! That’s what we’ll start the audition with. Take a sip of ambrosia, and then play the gold-stringed harp. And we will both see if you have Talent for music or the Muses dealt you short.


Music is the language of souls! Hic...


Alas, but music is not your forte. But don’t be upset - a musician’s life is full of pointless suffering, self-doubt, and emotional insecurity. And ambrosia. Lots of ambrosia... Hic!


Experience: +65200

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