Refuge Keeper



Scout the area around the Refuge and find the strange creatures that attacked the Aoidoi.


I see you are equipped for a fight. I’m afraid I need your help.
Some time ago, our Refuge was attacked by strange creatures - Demons. They are the children of Chaos, creations of mad god Sarn. The walls built by Ionas held them off, because the Dominus of Stone is a great master of magic. But the Demons did not go anywhere! So we are trapped here - all of us.
Well, if you know how to use a weapon, you can look around the Refuge. There aren’t many warriors here - most left with Kyros, and we haven’t heard from them since. This uncertainty is bothering me! We should know if there are any demons around our house, and whether we should ask Polis for help.


Time is pressing, go!


So demons are actually here... That’s bad.
What was this strange knife-eared creature? You’re saying it stood on two legs, like us? Wore clothes and fought off monsters? And looked like a warrior?
This is unbelievable! What if it was an elf? There’s this people in Sarnaut... But what was he doing here?


Experience: +42000

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