Fading Life




Gather petals of Blood Eye and Will-o’-the-Wisps near the Refuge.


Hm... Your wound is not serious, my friend, and not life-threatening as it is... However, there is something that bothers me. You were infected, and your body cannot overcome it on its own. I can slow the spread of infection, but I don’t know how to purge it. I’ll need to make a potion, but it’s not an easy one.
I am sorry, but you will have to father all ingredients yourself. I am completely helpless when it comes to demons. You will also need will-o’-the-wisps - manifested echos of divine power. Their life energy will help you only if you catch them with your own hands. There are a lot of them around the Refuge. You won’t miss them.
I’ll also need a flower called Blood Eye. Its healing properties will help you through the infection. It grows not far from here. Look around carefully - Blood Eye likes shadows.


Please, make no delay. What if this infection kills you?


Keep the potion - drink it when you can’t stand it much longer. Find a more experienced healer - perhaps someone knows how to cure this thing.


Experience: +34000

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