Experience of Elders




Get to the Imperial Camp and ask the Commander to cure you.


The news that the Imperial forces took note of the fight but stayed out of it makes me angry. But maybe they’ll be of some use after all.
Don’t think I haven’t noticed your wound, my friend. Thank the gods that Asclepia managed to help you in time. My brother-in-arms, Ivar, died from a light injury not unlike yours. Cursed demonic infection consumed his body. The same will happen to you if you don’t find a cure.
The Empire has fought demons for centuries. If they truly wish to form an alliance with us, they should help you get well first. Let’s see what their words are worth. And they should also join the fight against demons. Then - and only then we will consider whether we should let them in.


Who are you again? Do you even speak our language? That’s a relief. Major Vasily Molodin, Imperial Sentinel. Nice to meet you.


Experience: +11340

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