Church’s Fold



Go through the Communion Rite of the Trinity Church.
  • Confessed
  • Symbol of Light equipped
  • Symbol of Faith painted on self
  • Hostia eaten
  • Empire sworn allegiance to
  • Speak to Servant of Tensess


Yes, Vasily Molodin is absolutely right - demonic infection can only be cured by the Magic of Light, which is based on faith. Its power is so immense that a true believer can even resurrect without effort. It’s a phenomenon that is called the “Gift of Tensess”.
You see, the Communion Rite usually takes some time, but it’s clear that delay is tantamount to death here. So listen carefully - I’ll try to explain everything in simple words and without any occult references. Tensess is a real person, just like Nezeb and Skrakan. We worship those three as saints, for it was thanks to them that Gift of Tensess was granted to this world. We believe into the might of fallen Great Mages, and this faith helps us return to this world after a death of our mortal bodies. It is also what helped us defeat the demons, Architects and Nezeb knows what else. Useful? Yes. Unbelievable? Oh yes.
The only way you can survive is to accept this faith with your body and soul. If that’s what you want, I will begin the Rite. I’ve never done that in field conditions, to be honest.


I’ve never done that in field conditions, to be honest.


Safe and sound, I see? To be honest, I didn’t think you could become a believer so quickly. I’m sure it wasn’t my eloquence that did it, or was it?
Well, how are you feeling?


Experience: +37665

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