Baptism by Fire



Defeat the League troops and return to Whir the Unyielding.
  • Invaders repelled
  • Eliminate the landing troop leader.
    (As long as the leader is alive, the attack will continue)


Seems like I poured you a stiff one just in time. The battle is about to begin! So, whatcha waiting for? Attack! You gotta fight off the League's assault troops before that battle cocktail wears off!

Go straight for the enemy's leader! They won't put up much of a fight without him. Onwards, for the Empire! For our homeland! For Yasker! For Nezeb!


Give them everything you've got! What are you waiting for, you pansy?


Well, it seems like I can't call you a pansy any more. You've won your first battle! I got this armor from the ship's stash to help gear out the recruits. For doing such a good job I'll give you first pick. Go ahead and choose what you like the most.


Experience: +180

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