Black Oak




Obtain Nawlad Jeer’s death.


All these days behind Jeer's bars haven't been in vain! You can lock up the witch's body, but you can never restrain the witch's soul! While in the fortress, I managed to find out where Jeer's soft spot is! He's going to answer for everything now!
Listen. He really is immortal. I don't know how, but he detached his death and secured it with magic. Until it is set free, he won't have to face it, and thus, won't have to die. Where, do you think, it is hidden? Somewhere in his caskets? No way! On this very allod! Whatever is hidden, can be found!
First of all, you have to be able to see the coffer. Jeer cast a spell to revert the eyes from it, but I know just the way to dispel it. Go to the woods and bring me some good herbs and cold water. I'll tell you what to do next.


How an idea of securing his own death in the middle of the forest could ever come into his moldy head?!


What do you mean - slipped? What duck? I knew nothing of the duck!


Experience: +3300

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