Balance of Life



Tune the balance of life in this part of the forest.
  • Kill Swearwolves on the predator meadow 5/5
    (Kill Swearwolves to control their population.)
  • Shoo Sunbunnies on the veggie meadow 5/5
    (You don't have to kill them to shoo them away)
  • Sow seeds on the veggie meadow 5/5


From the previous lessons you know that everything is connected. Herbs and vegetables are food for herbivores, herbivores are food for predators, who return to the soil after death and become food for herbs and vegetables.
The circle can't be broken. Death isn't a problem. The tipped balance creates more problems than anything else. Everything must be strictly measured. If my creations eat all herbs and veggies, they will die. If there are too many predators, they will eat all herbivores, and they're also going to die.
Life is a great power. Death is the reverse of life. Believe me, life will always find a way to correct mistakes. But if we want our gardens to be the most beautiful place ever, we need someone to tune the balance.
My Children are the keepers of balance in Eden. You must learn the lesson that is why I want you to do their job.


How's the assignment going?


Some think that predators are evil for creatures like Sunbunnies. But as you understand now, they aren't. Some have to die but others live and strive.


Experience: +215460

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