Violet Dogberries



Bring 12 Violet Dogberries to Lada Berezova.


Soon you should learn the secret of making Lethargy Potions. To make it you will need Dream Essences, and those I can extract for you if you bring me the proper ingredients.

What I need are dogberries. You see, we druids and animists always seek to use the natural strengths of Nature's creations. The juice of these berries normally induces a state of drowsiness and weakness, and the essence I can extract from them is even more potent. Here in the Kingdom, violet dogberry bushes grow throughout the Sunscatter Forest. Bring them to me and I will make the essences you need.


Can you believe that shamans and huntmasters use crow eyes instead of dogberries? What abominations!


Here are the Dream Essences, as promised. Use them well.


Experience: +675

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