Meeting with the Fanatic



Meet with Ignat Petrovin and give him the Fragment of Nezeb's Ship.


Now there is no doubt that Nezeb's Staff was stolen by none other than Ignat Petrovin. Go down into the termite hill and find out what his motives were. With your Gibberling disguise I'm sure he'll talk to you, but the only question is whether he'll be open and honest.

I've got an idea. I have a relic which will help us gain his trust. It's a piece of the ship Nezeb traveled in on his last journey. Tell Ignat that you have managed to steal it from the prison overseer's office. He'll do anything to get his hands on a holy relic like that.

Once you gain his trust you can question him thoroughly! We need names, passwords, information about secret meeting places... basically, everything that will allow us to uncover the League's network of secret agents.


I should have known he was crazy as soon as I heard he was a pacifist. How could anyone give up fighting?


So, he thinks that the League citizens deserve to be treated with respect, eh? Well now that we know for sure that they have no immediate reinforcements coming, it's time to launch our assault! Good work, soldier!


Experience: +690

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