Rescuing the Heiress



Lead Strina the Fierce out of the Meteorite Mine and report her rescue to Karina Merinova.
  • Escort Strina the Fierce


Many of the miners lick the salt around here to relax, help them sleep better, and have a good time. But recently someone brought the miners salt in those pretty little cubes. They gave samples out for free so most of them took it. Then they started to forget everything, sleep for days, and walk around with huge smiles like complete idiots.

And then... then they went mad. They became extremely agitated and started attacking everyone. All my friends - those who didn't suck on those cubes - they all died. I thought I was going to be next, and I was so afraid. And then out came these undead. I'm alive thanks to them!

So... is this... magic? I'm an Orc, and I did... magic? How is that possible? ...What? I'm a descendant of the Legendary Orc? I have inherited magical talent? Are you serious?

I guess what you say must be true... If you help me get out of here, I'll go straight to the Supreme Chief. It doesn't matter whether I like it or not, he is the head of our people and I have a duty to do. Just please, help me get out of this mine!

You should stop by and see the overseer after you get out. I'm sure she'll want to know what's going on too.


What led to this uprising? How will I be able to write a report on all this? For the love of Nezeb... hmm.


What? Well, it's good that there's another survivor. But there's still a heap of problems to deal with!


Experience: +810
  • +250 reputation points with Orcs

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