Precious Merchandise



Bring 10 Muskir Mycelia to Yaver Sekhemkare.


Hmm, where have I seen your face before...

Oh, I remember - on a calendar! The "New Heroes" series! Very marketable stuff, just flies off the shelves.

Say, "New Hero" of the calendar world, what say you help out a poor Trader? I mean myself, of course! I need the mycelia of some local muskirs. Pretty please! This may turn out to be some very precious merchandise. I hear that in Umoira they grow muskirs for their meat. It's considered gourmet and worth a small fortune! Unfortunately, their local muskir are tiny little things and the meat is almost nonexistent! These muskir here, on the other hand, are gigantic! That's why I want to get ten mycelia and export them! Then they can grow the damn things all they want, so long as they pay me royalty for it!


"Muskir meat is one of the most delicious and healthy foods in the world! Buy these mycelia and you can start your own farm in no time!"

Oh, never mind, I'm just composing my sales pitch. Do you like it? Actually, forget that, did you get me the mycelia I asked for?


Thanks a lot! When I get filthy rich, I'll be sure to look you up and share some of it with you. You have my word as a Free Trader!


Experience: +2040

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