The Beauty Contest



Measure the beauty of each competitor and return to Pierre de Ardeur.


The Great Ball is approaching! Soon the Elves of every house will come together to show off their magic and beauty.
We, the Elves of the House de Ardeur, have decided to organize a beauty contest. We'll scour every town and village on every allod for the League's most stunning ladies. Elven maidens, Kanian girls, and Gibberling... hm... females! I've been charged with organizing the beauty contest in Novograd.
The candidates of all three races are waiting impatiently for a decision. Which one of them will be crowned as the Lady of Novograd? Who will choose for us?
No, we've decided against entrusting this difficult task to the jury. They may be experienced in matters of beauty, but there's always the risk of prejudice. We will not admit any doubts in this regard!
That's why we, the craftsmen of the House de Ardeur, have created a wonderful device. It has been programmed with all existing notions of beauty, from waist size to the ability to hold a conversation. The device is a Magic Mirror and you can use it to identify the winner.
If a lady meets all of the criteria the Magic Mirror will respond by releasing fireworks. Go and find the answer to the eternal question - "Who's the fairest of them all?"


Of course, the Elven beauty will be the winner of our contest. The only thing left to do is to wait for the results...


The Magic Mirror declared all of the girls to be beauties? It can't be... Or...
Oh, I suspected it long ago!
You know, the more worldly and sophisticated you are, the more beauty you will see in all of the world's phenomena and creatures! That Magic Mirror is truly the most sophisticated out of all of us! That must be why everything is beautiful to it! Everything and everyone!
Oh, this discovery is going to turn everyone's ideas about beauty upside down! Could it be that those clumsy Kanians and that vulgar joke of theirs about how "there are no ugly women" is true?
Honestly, I'm in shock!


Experience: +680

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