The Secret Key




Take the Activation Key from the safe and bring it to Yasskul Odzhi.
  • (Select the safe and use it by clicking the right mouse button or by pressing the context action button an the bottom of the screen.)


Listen up carefully... The assault party was targeting this safe here. It's storing an activation key for a very important item, but unfortunately I can't tell you more since this is highly classified information.

The key's security has obviously been compromised, so you must open the safe and take the key to First Mate Yasskul Odzhi. He'll know what to do with it. Tell Yasskul that the League assault was not a random act... the League knows all about... the "device". I can't explain any more, but he'll understand.


What's the matter, soldier? Don't tell me there's more bad news.


Sarang Minx believes this was no ordinary attack? Hm... This changes things. We should review our tactics. I'll need to consult with the Captain.

Thank you for giving me this news. As for the activation key... Well, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders. And most League troops would never suspect that an ordinary soldier like you is carrying something important.

Keep it with you for now, but remember that it is the property of the Empire and must be returned to me as soon as this fight is over!


Experience: +840

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